Regional Trade: Principles and Practices

Kosovo Study Programme "Regional Trade: Principles and Practices"


The purpose of this Programme for Kosovo representatives was to attend a study week in Geneva between the 16th to the 21st May 2010. Diplomacy Dialogue has arranged a week of modules and dialogue sessions with approximately 20 international trade representatives, officials and trade specialists. The objective of the Programme was to understand the legal and economic aspects of trade particularly with respect to regional trade principals and practices.







 CSEND Profile

 DiplomacyDialogue_KosovoLogistical information for participants

 DiplomacyDialogue_KosovoSchedule of the Training Programme

 DiplomacyDialogue_KosovoTourBiography of the Speakers



Speaker´s Presentations:

Monday May 17th 2010:

 Kosovo week opening_LSY


 Amb Malaj_PresentationRegionalIntegration

 Perspectives of small economi-Pollozhani




Tuesday May 18th 2010:

 Hijazi_Introduction to the Legal Framework of Trade-final'Hijazi

 Stephen Browne-General presentation (rev)

Wednesday May 19th 2010:


 Lichia Saner Yiu_Suply chain Value chain

 Excercise_Profiling for Supply Chain and Value Chain EGGS and POTATOES_LSY

 Gamberoni_World Bank Assistance May 2010

 Schwager&Gachuiri_Combined PPT on comp lawandpolicy institu framework


Thursday May 20th 2010:


 Calzadilla_UNIDO Geneva

 Pitschas_RTA challenges for transition economies

Friday May 21st 2010:

 Hrvoje Curko_ presentation 21-5-2010

 Saner_ IMC Presentation


Reading List:

 CEFTA Agreement 1992


 IMS 22000 06E

 The UN Set of Principles and Rules on Competition

 Agreement and Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement - CEFTA


 Kosovo under UNSCR 1244-99 2009 Progress Report - EC

 Understanding the WTO

 Videos available in the WTO webpage and YouTube


 ITC Concept Note

EU: Enlargement

 Enlargement Strategy 2009-2010 - EC









World Bank: Notes on customs

 Increasing the effectiveness of preshipment inspection service

 Best practice on customs reforms-lessons from Morocco

 Computerizing tax and customs administration

 Reforming tax systmes lessons from the 1990s