Development Diplomacy and Partnerships for Social Policy at the Time of PRSPs: The Case of Decent Work

Raymond Saner & Emanuele Sapienza

Abstract: In 2002, the International Labour Organization (ILO) decided to start an initiative aimed at increasing the Decent Work content of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) originally developed by the World Bank and the IMF. As the ILO Governing Body concluded its consideration of work in this area (March 2008), the present paper reviews the ILO experience from a partnership-building and development diplomacy point of view. The paper argues that, while significant progress has been achieved, there is a need to take the process one step forward in order to trigger a significant reframing of the PRSP debate and a shifting of its boundaries. This step will involve a partial repositioning of the ILO’s partnership building within the PRSP process and an effort to move beyond the traditional tripartite constituency of the ILO and build more systematic alliances with other segments of the national civil society as well as global poverty reduction advocacy groups.

Die Zukunft der Diplomatie

This book chapter describes the professional culture of a diplomat and compares the professional requirements of the past with the challenges of the present and discusses the emerging requirements of the future professional role of a diplomat.

Article (German)

Could plurilateral agreements provide a way forward out of the current impasse of the WTO/Doha Round?

This Diplomacy Dialogue Debate addresses the following question:
Could plurilateral agreements provide a way forward out of the current impasse of the WTO/Doha Round?

The inputs for this Policy Debate are based on exchanges amongst trade experts namely: Mr. Grant Aldonas, Senior Advisor (Non-resident), Centre for Strategic and International Studies; Mrs. Jane Drake-Brockman, Global Services Network; Mr. Guy de Jonquières, Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Ambassador B. K. Zutshi, Ambassador of India to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1989 to 1994)

Ancient County: Opportunities for international cooperation?

Conference, 25th November 2011 in Gorizia-Nova Gorica-Görtz

The new alliance by the municipalities of Gorizia, Cormòns and Gradisca is offering three days of discussions and reflections University of Udine and the Laboratory
research centre of economics and management LAREM, headquartered in Gorizia.


Rethinking Trade in Education Services: A Wake-Up Call for Trade Negotiators

Education plays a crucial role in fostering personal and social development, as well as economic growth. Government policies play a dominant role in this sector. Over time, trade in education services, particularly at the tertiary level, have been growing in importance. Driving factors include a combination of demographic changes, technological developments, national development goals, and governmental reforms to the funding and provision of higher education. The educational market has grown in size with more exporters entering the field to satisfy growing demand worldwide. The education sector today truly operates in a global context with institutions, programmes, and people supplying services across borders at an unprecedented scale.

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