Bolivia’s energy-sector intervention is a missed opportunity for economic development

According to a review of Bolivia's energy sector conducted last year by the Centre for Socio Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), the most significant subsidies are centred on the country's hydrocarbon resources. The research concluded that subsidies are an inefficient way for Bolivians to benefit from the profits of hydrocarbon exploitation.

Bolivia’s Trade Energy Environment Policies

This Diplomacy Dialogue policy paper discusses the economic, social and political outlook of one of the poorest Latin American countries: Bolivia. It focuses on the country’s trade, energy and environment spheres, emphasizing conditions and future challenges to be faced. For this purpose, Bolivia’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analyzed in each sphere, followed by recommendations. The study closes with a three-legged plan of action offering policy alternatives on a global, regional and local level, which may provide Bolivia with strategies for achieving greater development and growth through economically, socially and environmentally sustainable actions.

Turkey economic diplomacy

This Diplomacy Dialogue policy paper argues that in the coming period, the chances of Turkish accession process moving on smoothly will be greater if Turkey can continue managing its recent economic recovery and turning it into sustainable growth over the next decade. This will eliminate or at least reduce the deep-rooted concerns on the side of the EU about accession being too costly and too destabilizing in economic and social terms. An effective and targeted deployment of economic diplomacy in this context by the Turkish government, private sector and civil society, as well as international organizations in which Turkey is a member will be of great help in allaying fears in the EU that this 73-million nation will join the faltering club as an asset and not as a liability.

Migrations extra-communautaires

Le système qui régit l’entrée des travailleurs étrangers en Suisse répond de manière insuffisante voire inappropriée à la demande de main d’œuvre dans de nombreux secteurs. Avec le problème imminent du vieillissement de la population, des solutions efficaces doivent permettre à la Suisse de maintenir sa main d’œuvre à flot. Le recours à des travailleurs de pays tiers devient dès lors l’une des seules solutions efficaces pour éviter un lent démantèlement de l’économie suisse. Cet article révèle les dysfonctionnements de la politique économique d’immigration suisse et ébauche pour les politiques publiques un système de migration circulaire fiable pour les travailleurs semi-qualifiés qui, dans un esprit de bénéfice mutuel, contribuerait substantiellement à la bonne santé du marché du travail en Suisse, tout en offrant un appui crucial au développement du pays d’origine des travailleurs et à l’épanouissement des travailleurs eux-mêmes.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)

The objective of this paper is to introduce the reader to the sector-specific applications of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), namely health. In order for advocacy action to be successful, the agents working for increased efficiency of the PRSP process have to know the opportunities and difficulties pertaining to these two sectors of societal development. Each sector has its own specific realities and corresponding analytical and theoretical underpinnings. What follows are overviews of key actors’ approaches to the improvement of health services delivered to the poor within the context of PRSP processes. In turn, the improved health conditions will contribute to the more sustained livelihood and poverty reduction.